BB6: Scurt raport final și imagini din expoziții

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Brief Final Report
Apprehension. Understanding Through Fear of Understanding
May 23rd – July 24nd 2014bb6_foto_artindex_001

Thursday, July 24h 2014, BUCHAREST BIENNALE 6 – Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art – curated by Gergő Horváth, entitled “Apprehension. Understanding Through Fear of Understanding”, has closed after more than 8 weeks, during  which it has enjoyed an unprecedented success for a Romanian contemporary art event.

BUCHAREST BIENNALE has gained throughout the years an international reputation and its last edition has expressed the potential for development of this type of artistic event.bb6_foto_artindex_002

BB6 has been composed of the main exhibition curated by Gergő Horváth (b. 1993) with 19 participating artists from 12 countries, 22 artworks, 9 works being produced especially for the biennial. BB6 had more then 20 parallel and 5 connected events. In the frame of the BB6, the curator generated every week “Expose Practice” a weekly series of talks where the participating artists in Bucharest Biennale 6 where invited to discuss their practice, research methodologies and thinking in an informal setting.bb6_foto_artindex_003

PAVILION – journal for politics and culture – published a special issue, having a total of 208 pages and containing texts written by renowned theoreticians such as Chantal Mouffe, Gergő Horváth, Florian Gottke, David Goldenberg, Răzvan Ion, George Prochnik, Cătălin Avramescu, Jörg Heiser, Alexandru Senciuc.

BB6 took place in 5 locations and publicly intervened in the city.

The research and selection process, as well as preparing theoretical texts took almost 2 years.

The average age of the BB6 team is 22,5 years, the team comprising 4 employees and 17 volunteers and interns.bb6_foto_artindex_004

The biennial attracted media attention as well as the previous edition. Thus, at the opening day over 500 professionals and press participated, both national and international. The biennial was featured by over 100 publications, news agencies, radio/TV stations and blogs, such as ProTv, Frieze, FlashArt, International Herald Tribune, Euronews, The Art Newspaper, The Guardian, Die Tageszeitung,  The Harper’s Bazaar, Reforma, The Economist, Elle, Cabinet, TVR 1, Digi 24, Adevărul, Gandul, Vice, Zeppelin, Biz, Sculpture, ArtDaily, Cariere, EyeContact and many others.

BB6 had approximately 27.000 visitors and it was the first editions with ticket entrance. More then 5.000 people visited BB6 during the opening days and the white night of the galleries.

BB6 was the first cultural organization in Romania who benefit of the Google Ad Grants and the BB6 website eached more then 2.3 million impressions. The FB pages posts had more then 800.000 people reached, including the promotional posts.
2 million napkins with BB6 logo was printed and served with Illy Expresso coffee all around the country.

The biennial website, associate websites and the newsletter have had more than 390.000 viewers from 81 countries, before and during the event.

The BB6 budget was the lowest budget in the history of BB, which make BB6 probably the most under financed biennial in the world.

BB6 had as strategic partner UniCredit Tiriac Bank. The main institutional partner was Romanian Cultural Institute. BB6 was also supported by National University of Arts Bucharest, UAP Romania, Institute for Political Research and Peasant Museum Bucharest.
Among the international institutions that have contributed to the financing of BB6 were the BAM Belgium, OCA Norway, Austrian Cultural Forum etc.

Respecting tradition, the Romanian Ministry of Culture and the City Council of Bucharest refused to support BB6.

The curator for BUCHAREST BIENNALE 7, which takes place May 26th – July 17th, 2016, was already appointed by the Bucharest Biennale International Advisory Board after the last meeting in Berlin and will be announced soon.

For images on the installation view of BB6 you can access our FB account or you can download hi-res images at



Scurt raport final
23 mai – 24 iulie 2012
Apprehension. Understanding Through Fear of Understanding

Joi, 24 iulie 2012, BUCHAREST BIENNALE 6 – Bienala internațională de artă contemporană – curatoriată de Gergő Horváth, sub titlul „Aprehensiune. Înțelegând prin frica de a înțelege”, s-a închis după mai bine de 8 săptămâni, pe durata căreia s-a bucurat de un succes fără precedent pentru un eveniment de artă contemporană în România.

Bucharest Biennale a câștigat in decursul ultimilor ani o reputație internațională, iar ultima ediție a exprimat potențialul de creștere a acestei forme de întâlnire artistică.
BB6 a fost compus din expoziția principală curatoriată de Gergő Horváth (n. 1993) cu 19 artiști participanți, venind din 12 țări, cu 22 lucrări, și 9 dintre lucrări produse special pentru bienală. BB6 a avut mai mult de 20 de evenimente paralele și 5 evenimente conexe.

BB6 a avut loc în 5 locații și a intervenit direct în structura orașului.

Procesul de selecție și cercetare, precum și pregătirea textelor teoretice a durat aproape 2 ani, procesul curatorial fiind cel mai scurt dintre toate edițiile datorită problemelor de organizare generate de mecanismele relaționale din România.

Vârsta medie a echipei BB6 a fost 22,5 ani, fiind alcătuită de 4 angajați și 17 voluntari și stagiari.

În cadrul BB6, curatorul a generat „Expose Practice”, o serie de prelegeri săptămânale în care artiștii participanți din Bucharest Biennale 6 au fost invitați să discute despre practica lor, metodele de cercetare și gândire într-un cadru informal.
Bienala a atras atenția presei la fel ca ediția trecută. Așadar, la conferința de presă de la deschidere au participat peste 500 de profesioniști și agenți ai presei, atât locali, cât și internaționali. Bienala a apărut în peste 100 de publicații, agenții de presă, stații radio/TV și bloguri, precum  ProTv, Frieze, FlashArt, International Herald Tribune, Euronews, The Art Newspaper, The Guardian, Die Tageszeitung,  The Harper’s Bazaar, Reforma, The Economist, Elle, Cabinet, TVR 1, Digi 24, Adevărul, Gandul, Vice, Zeppelin, Biz, Sculpture, ArtDaily, Cariere, EyeContact și multe altele. Peste 20 de interviuri cu curatorul BB6 au fost publicate în ultimele luni.

BB6 a avut aproximativ 27.000 de vizitatori și a fost prima ediție cu intrare pe bază de bilet. Peste 5.000 de persoane au vizitat BB6 în zilele deschiderii și în timpul Noapții Albe a Galeriilor.

BB6 a fost prima organizație culturală din România care a beneficiat de Google Ad Grants, iar pagina web al BB6 a ajuns la mai mult de 2.2 milioane de impressions. Postările de pe paginele de FB au ajuns la mai mult de 800.000 de persoane, incluzând postările promoționale.

2 milioane de servețele cu logo-ul BB6 au fost tipărite și servite cu cafeaua Illy Expresso în toată țara.
PAVILION – journal for politics and culture – a publicat un număr special editat de Gergő Horváth, având în total 208 pagini și conținând texte de teoreticieni cunoscuți precum, Chantal Mouffe, Gergő Horváth, Florian Göttke, David Goldenberg, Răzvan Ion, George Prochnik, Cătălin Avramescu, Jörg Heiser, Alexandru Senciuc.

Pagina web a bienalei, paginile asociate și newsletter-ul au avut peste 390.000 de vizionări din 81 de țări, înainte și în cursul evenimentului.

Bugetul BB6 a fost cel mai mic din istoria BB, ceea ce o face probabil cea mai subfinanțată bienală din lume.

BB6 a avut ca partener strategic UniCredit Țiriac Bank. Partenerul instituțional principal a fost Institutul Cultural Român. BB6 a fost de asemenea susținut de Universitatea Națională de Arte București, Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici, Institutul de Cercetări Politice și Muzeul Țăranului Român.

Printre instituțiile internaționale care au contribuit la finanțarea BB6 au fost BAM Belgia, OCA Norvegia, Forumul Cultural Austriac.

Respectând tradiția, Ministerul Culturii din România și Consiliul Local București au refuzat susținerea BB.

Curatorul BUCHAREST BIENNALE 7, care va avea loc între 26 mai – 17 iulie 2016, a fost deja ales de către Bucharest Biennale International Advisory Board la ultima întâlnire din Berlin și va fi anunțat în curând.

1. Raqs Media Collective (Meanwhile/Elsewhere (Fear and Understanding), vinyl, 1.3 sqm., 2014), Adrian Dan (untitled.reactor as JPEG image, dimensions: 11811x 5906, color space: RGB and c-print, diasec, 2012). Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

2. Adrian Dan (untitled.reactor as JPEG image, dimensions: 11811x 5906, color space: RGB and c-print, diasec, 2012). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

3. Raqs Media Collective (Meanwhile/Elsewhere (Fear and Understanding), vinyl, 1.3 sqm., 2014). Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

4. Jan Kaila (Second Death, installation, two video projections with sound in different venues, dimensions variable, 2007), Cezar Lăzărescu & 1+1 (BB+, on-road performance & installation with vinyl and sound, 2014). Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.
5. Cezar Lăzărescu & 1+1 (BB+, on-road performance & installation with vinyl and sound, 2014). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

6. Jan Kaila (Second Death, installation, two video projections with sound in different venues, dimensions variable, 2007). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

7. Matei Arnăutu (Fear, installation, wooden table, fan, glasses, phone, juice, metallic wires for suspension, 300 x 150 x 80cm, 2012). Courtesy of the artist, Anaid Art Gallery and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

8. Stephanie Syjuco (FREE TEXTS: An Open Source Reading Room, installation, dimensions variable, 2012). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

9. Stephanie Syjuco (FREE TEXTS: An Open Source Reading Room, installation, dimensions variable, 2012). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

10. Marilena Preda-Sânc (Globe, object, world globe, nails, 35 x 35 x 35 cm, 1999), Zoltán Béla (1-11683, WWII helmet, nickelled with chrome plating, buzzard wings, 66 x 55 x 44 cm, 2014), Gabriel Stoian (Peace, assemblage, taxidermy bird and olive branch, 40 x 30 cm, 2014), János Sugár (Mute, ongoing project, installation, five video loops between 10-20’, 2005). Courtesy of the artists, Anca Poterașu Gallery (Zoltán Béla’s work) and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

11. Marilena Preda-Sânc (Globe, object, world globe, nails, 35 x 35 x 35 cm, 1999), Mihai Zgondoiu (Global Gold Insurance, part of the Artist’s Golden Hand project, three insurance forms in a golden frame, dimensions variable, 2010/2011). Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

12. Marilena Preda-Sânc (Globe, object, world globe, nails, 35 x 35 x 35 cm, 1999), Dan Beudean (The Hunter, mixed media on canvas, 165 x 80 cm, 2013). Courtesy of the artists, Zorzini Gallery (Dan Beudean’s work) and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

13. Zoltán Béla (1-11683, WWII helmet, nickelled with chrome plating, buzzard wings, 66 x 55 x 44 cm, 2014), Carlos Aires (How deep is your love, stainless steel knifes engraved with titles of love songs, dimensions variable, 2011), Gabriel Stoian (Peace, assemblage, taxidermy bird and olive branch, 40 x 30 cm, 2014), János Sugár (Mute, ongoing project, installation, five video loops between 10-20’, 2005). Courtesy of the artists, Anca Poterașu Gallery (Zoltán Béla’s work) and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

14. János Sugár (Mute, ongoing project, installation, five video loops between 10-20’, 2005). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

15. Zoltán Béla (1-11683, WWII helmet, nickelled with chrome plating, buzzard wings, 66 x 55 x 44 cm, 2014), Erwin Wurm (Instructions On How To Be Politically Incorrect, Be a Terrorist, c-print, 4 pieces, 75 x 50 cm each, 2003). Courtesy of the artists, Anca Poterașu Gallery (Zoltán Béla’s work) and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

16. Arantxa Etcheverria (The Wolf, installation, polyurethane, metal pins, acrylic spray, 120 x 90 x 75 cm, 2009), Zoltán Béla (1-11683, WWII helmet, nickelled with chrome plating, buzzard wings, 66 x 55 x 44 cm, 2014), Erwin Wurm (Instructions On How To Be Politically Incorrect, Be a Terrorist, c-print, 4 pieces, 75 x 50 cm each, 2003). Courtesy of the artists, Anca Poterașu Gallery (Zoltán Béla’s work) and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

17. János Sugár (Mute, ongoing project, installation, five video loops between 10-20’, 2005), Gabriel Stoian (Peace, assemblage, taxidermy bird and olive branch, 40 x 30 cm, 2014), Bjørn Erik Haugen (Utopian Standard, black banner with white text, 500 x 160 cm, 2012). Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

18. Filip Gilissen (Knowing Me Knowing You, 2012, intervention, private phone number of Răzvan Ion consisting of 10 golden flickering digits hanging from a 3 x 4,5 meter steel frame and placed outside at the Bucharest Biennale main venue, synthetic golden phone on pedestal displayed in the darkened gallery space with spotlights. Special edition for Bucharest Biennale 6). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

19. Filip Gilissen (Knowing Me Knowing You, 2012, intervention, private phone number of Răzvan Ion consisting of 10 golden flickering digits hanging from a 3 x 4,5 meter steel frame and placed outside at the Bucharest Biennale main venue, synthetic golden phone on pedestal displayed in the darkened gallery space with spotlights. Special edition for Bucharest Biennale 6). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

20. Alejandro Vidal (Any idea that can be defended is presumed guilty, installation, paper plane folded with CIA original letter office paper, desk, dimensions variable, 2011). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

21. Alejandro Vidal (Any idea that can be defended is presumed guilty, installation, paper plane folded with CIA original letter office paper, desk, dimensions variable, 2011). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

22. Zoltán Béla (Nonfunctional Object, painted nail with two heads, 150 cm, 2004). Courtesy of the artist, Anca Poterașu Gallery and Bucharest Biennale. The work is part of Jean Philippe Guibert-Lassagne collection. Photo by Sorin Florea.

23. Jan Kaila (Second Death, installation, two video projections with sound in different venues, dimensions variable, 2007). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

24. Stephanie Syjuco (Double Negative (Yes, This Poster is Not…), posters displayed in public spaces around the city, dimensions variable, 2010). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

25. Stephanie Syjuco (Double Negative (Yes, This Poster is Not…), posters displayed in public spaces around the city, dimensions variable, 2010). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

26. Filip Gilissen (Knowing Me Knowing You, 2012, intervention, private phone number of Răzvan Ion consisting of 10 golden flickering digits hanging from a 3 x 4,5 meter steel frame and placed outside at the Bucharest Biennale main venue, synthetic golden phone on pedestal displayed in the darkened gallery space with spotlights. Special edition for Bucharest Biennale 6). Courtesy of the artist and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Sorin Florea.

27. Gergő Horváth, the curator of Bucharest Biennale 6. Photo by Manu Nedula. Courtesy of Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Manu Nedila.

28. Gergő Horváth, the curator of Bucharest Biennale 6. Photo by Manu Nedula. Courtesy of Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Manu Nedila.

29. Dromedar, Art-core, performance, 2014. Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Ask Von Krogh. Courtesy of Bucharest Biennale.

30. Dromedar, Art-core, performance, 2014. Courtesy of the artists and Bucharest Biennale. Photo by Ask Von Krogh. Courtesy of Bucharest Biennale.

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