Retro-expozitii: “Generation Djihad” de Tara (2/4)

tara_generation_jihad_artindex_01 tara_generation_jihad_artindex_02Generation Djihad

Generation Djihad este despre o generaţie de guerrilla. Este despre război, bombe, minciuni, atacuri, jafuri, sânge, atentate, terorism.
Generation Djihad este despre o lume murdară, pângărită, obligată să trăiască în ură şi laşitate. Generation Djihad este despre o generaţie revoltată. O generaţie care nu se regăseşte şi nu ştie la cine şi la ce să se raporteze.
Generation Djihad trebuie privită ca un act artistic în sine, ce consemnează crimele lumii, relaţia dintre victimă şi agresor.
Generation Djihad este despre teatrele de război puternic mediatizate, despre ceea ce vindem sub forma masacrelor digitalizate.
Generation Djihad nu impune o ideologie, nu susţine o anumită morală, nu constituie un subiect politic.
Generation Djihad este despre simboluri, despre locuri şi identităţi, despre masacrele de azi şi poate cele de mâine.
Generation Djihad este despre Tara. Despre cum percepe şi simte artistul Tara lumea în care trăieşte, atrocităţile care au loc în diferite părţi ale lumii. Poate e subiectiv, poate e crud, poate e maliţios; însă Tara nu este niciodată indiferent, adesea incomod prin ceea ce spune şi face, dar nepăsător niciodată.
Generation Djihad este despre dispariţia unei lumi şi naşterea alteia, despre cuceritori şi asupriţi, despre istoria noastră şi a lor.
Generation Djihad este despre secole de război, teroare, singurătate, moarte.

Curator: Diana Dochia

tara_generation_jihad_artindex_04 tara_generation_jihad_artindex_05 tara_generation_jihad_artindex_06 tara_generation_jihad_artindex_07Generation Djihad is about a guerrilla generation. It is about war, bombes, lies, offensives, robberies, blood, attempts, terrorism.
Generation Djihad is about a dirty, ravished world, forced to live in hate and cowardice.
Generation Djihad is about a revolted generation. A generation that cannot find itself and that doesn’t know to whom and to what to refer itself.
Generation Djihad must be seen as an artistic act in itself that records the crimes of the world, the relationship between the victim and the aggressor.
Generation Djihad is about war theatres powerfully mediated, about what we sell under the form of the digitilized massacres.
Generation Djihad does not impose an ideology, does not sustain a certain moral, and does not constitute a political subject.
Generation Djihad is about symbols, about places and identities, about the massacres of today and perhaps of tomorrow.
Generation Djihad is about Tara. About how the artist Tara perceives and feels the world in which he lives, the atrocities that takes places in different parts of the world. Perhaps he is subjective, perhaps he is brutal, maybe malicious; but Tara is never indifferent, often inconvenient through what he says and makes, but never careless.
Generation Djihad is about the loss of a world and the birth of another, about conquerors and oppressed people, about our and their history.
Generation Djihad is about centuries of war, terror, loneliness, death.

Curator: Diana Dochia

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