“Carol of the Bells” – un foarte popular cantec de Craciun

Colegul Dan mi-a atras atentia asupra acestui cantec care se bucura de o imensa popularitate in toata lumea. Originile sale sunt insa aproape de noi, in Ucraina si melodia este inspirata dintr-un filon folcloric pre-crestin. Postez aici articolul de pe Wikipedia si apoi cateva interpretari in diverse orchestratii culese pe pe YouTube. Sunt o multime! Enjoy si Craciun fericit!

Acesta ar fi, sa zicem, originalul:

Aceasta este transcrierea pentru pian. Pentru cei sau cele priceputi la claviatura 🙂leo_bellsSi versurile, in engleza:

Hark! how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say,
“Throw cares away.”
Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old
Meek and the bold

Ding, dong, ding, dong
That is their song
With joyful ring
All caroling
One seems to hear
Words of good cheer
From ev’rywhere
Filling the air

Oh how they pound,
Raising the sound,
O’er hill and dale,
Telling their tale,
Gaily they ring
While people sing
Songs of good cheer
Christmas is here
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

On, on they send
On without end
Their joyful tone
To ev’ry home

[Repeat from the beginning]

Ding, dong, ding, dong

O varianta pentru violoncel care mi-a placut in mod special. Foarte dramatica:

Articolul de pe Wiki:

Carol of the Bells
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Carol of the Bells” is a popular Christmas carol, composed by Mykola Leontovych with lyrics by Peter J. Wilhousky. The song is based on a folk chant known in Ukrainian as “Shchedryk”. Wilhousky’s lyrics are copyrighted, although the original musical composition is not.

The song is recognized by a four-note ostinato motif (see image to the right).Shchedryk_4-note_motif It has been arranged many times for different genres, styles of singing and settings and has been covered by artists and groups of many genres: classical, metal, jazz, rock, and pop. The piece has also been featured in films, television shows, and parodies.

The song is based on a traditional folk chant. It was associated with the coming New Year which, in pre-Christian Ukraine, was originally celebrated with the coming of spring in April. (This explains the reason why the original Ukrainian text speaks about a swallow returning and lambs being born.)

With the introduction of Christianity to Ukraine, and the adoption of the Julian calendar, the celebration of the New Year was moved from April to January, and the holiday with which the chant was originally associated became the Feast of Epiphany (also known in Ukrainian as Shchedry vechir). The songs sung for this celebration are known as Schedrivky.

The original Ukrainian text tells the tale of a swallow flying into a household to proclaim the plentiful and bountiful year that the family will have.[1] The title is derived from the Ukrainian word for “bountiful”. The period for the birth of animals and the return of swallows to Ukraine, however, does not correspond to the current calendar season of winter.

In Ukraine, the chant is currently sung on the eve of the Julian New Year.
Composition and translation

It was introduced to Western audiences by the Ukrainian National Chorus during its concert tour of Europe and the Americas, where it premiered in the United States on October 5, 1921 at Carnegie Hall.[2] A copyrighted English text was created by Peter Wilhousky in the 1930s,[citation needed] and since then it has been performed and sung during the Christmas season. Its initial popularity stemmed largely from Wilhousky’s ability to perform it to a wide audience in his role as arranger for the NBC Symphony Orchestra, trained especially for Arturo Toscanini.[3] The song would later be assisted to further popularity by featuring in television advertisements for champagne.[3] An alternate English version (“Ring, Christmas Bells”) featuring more Nativity-based lyrics, written by Minna Louise Hohman in 1947,[4] is also common.[citation needed]

The original work was intended to be sung a cappella by mixed four-voice choir. Two other settings of the composition were also created by Leontovych: one for women’s choir (unaccompanied) and another for children’s choir with piano accompaniment. These are rarely performed or recorded.

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